Wow! You have been blessed with a wonderful voice. The only things I'd say are to really watch your airflow, and be a bit more artistic with the piece. Breath support as I'm sure you're aware (Being a cantor) is crucial. This is a relatively difficult piece as it's slower and has some LONG phrases so you need to manage your air effectively and consistently with out taking breaths where there aren't rests, don't let your voice waver. As far as being artistic goes, try to put the raw emotion that this chant carries. Yes, it is sacred, but especially in that first line, try to convey the passion of Christ that he would've put into those words.
Phew. I did not mean for that to be so long. Really though, you have a truly beautiful voice and I say that with the utmost sincerity. Kudos for doing a chant like this, you don't see it on these sites very often at all. Keep training your voice and keep being awesome.