WOW! I just...I feel so conflicted. On one hand, I love the idea of a sort of "Hero's State" for Link which is pretty much like the Avatar State from "Avatar: The Last Airbender" and "The Legend of Korra". That was just soooo creative and it actually would make sense within the Zelda cannon so Kudos to you. However, I felt like a lot of stuff in this episode just happened without a proper justification as to why. I'm sure it'll be explained later but, the lack of explanations for the things like the abrupt appearance of the "Phantom Shadow Beast: Bongo Bongo" in the Kokiria forest, the Deku Tree conveniently knowing everything about Link but not sharing this information which could be critical to helping Link survive his battle, the cause of Link's friends' death (Or severe injury), the reason that Link's friends are suddenly okay, and more just make it feel like the writing for this was done very hastily, lazily, and/or downright sloppily. Still, the animation and overall quality gets better with every episode which I appreciate very much. Basically, I'm going to overlook the faults of this video since the series is still early in development and can easily patch these things up in later episodes. Still, really great job overall and I look forward to future installments.